Some types of financial instruments
This section is dedicated to those who want to deepen their knowledge of the world of financial instruments, with particular attention to the main investment products, such as Certificates, Bonds and Covered Warrants.

Certificates are securitized derivative financial instruments linked to the performance of an underlying asset, be it a share, a stock index, a currency, a raw material or an interest rate. For more information click on the word “Certificates”

Bonds are debt securities issued by companies, public bodies or financial institutions which give the holder the right to have the nominal value and interest reimbursed at maturity, through periodic or maturity coupons. For more information click on the word “Bonds”

Covered Warrant
Covered Warrants are financial instruments that give the buyer the right to buy or sell an underlying asset at a pre-agreed price on (or by) a specified maturity. For more information click on the word “Covered Warrants”
Do you need to improve your knowledge on investment products?
When investing it is essential to know the characteristics of the products chosen. Intesa Sanpaolo provides its customers with a series of useful tools to allow them to invest in an informed manner.

What is an underlying? And the SeDeX? And the Greeks? This section is dedicated to the collection of the most frequent questions asked by investors. We have attempted to answer each question in a clear and simple way. If If you have any further questions on how the products work, do not hesitate to contact the Intesa Sanpaolo toll-free number.

From “A” to “Z”, the Intesa Sanpaolo Glossary consists of a collection of terms currently used in the financial markets. The terms are arranged in alphabetical order and it is possible to search by “initial letter” or by keyword.